About Us

Our family has been happy to provide these services abroad, and we are pleased to now offer them in the states as well.  Whether traveling within the states, or from abroad the items needed to care for your baby, and toddler are readily accessible through the services we provide.  In my experience, traveling with a small child, I discovered the need for additional items that were difficult to travel with.  As a result I wanted to offer a service to accommodate the needs of parents to facilitate the ease of vacationing without the stress of additional items needed for babies and toddlers while traveling.  The room required to pack personal items is consuming in itself, without the additional need to pack the necessities required for small children.  Our business is designed to ease the worries of parents, and provide the essentials needed for a happy and healthy child while enjoying a vacation in our beautiful Florida beaches, and surrounding areas.  We are proud that our company is family owned and operated ensuring our commitment to our customer’s needs.